


séduisant par son côté velouté et excitant


Ajoutez une touche mélodramatique à votre routine matinale.  

  • À la fois excitant par son audace et séduisant par son côté velouté. 
  • Cette torréfaction noire populaire offre une tasse douce et corsée.  
  • Suffisamment excitant pour que vous vous laissiez prendre au jeu et que vous en redemandiez.

La fortune favorise les audacieux.

livraison gratuite pour toutes les commandes de plus de 99 $


The ideal ratio for a great cup? Two tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces of water. Coffee maker? That's cool. Try one tablespoon per cup and adjust to taste.

All pre-ground coffee is ground to medium (other than sweet espresso, which is ground to fine).

how to trace your beans

All of our coffee is traceable from crop to cup, meaning that you find out exactly where your coffee was grown, when it was roasted, and how it scores on sweetness, body, acidity, and more.

Bag recycling program

Join our recycling program in partnership with TerraCycle® — it’s free and easy! TerraCycle cleans, shreds, and pelletizes the plastic and then integrates it into products already in production, like park benches. For every shipment of coffee bags sent to TerraCycle, you can earn TerraCycle points that can be used towards donation to a non-profit organization of your choice. It’s a win-win!